The mission of Can We Go Home Now? Crimea Ukraine Edition 2014 is to provide support and aid to the individuals and families who have been affected by the Russian attacks of February 2014 in Crimea, Ukraine, and advocate for the restoration of the region to full Ukrainian control. We aim to alleviate the suffering and trauma inflicted by the violent and unjustifiable actions of the Russian military forces, who have caused significant disruption and harm to the lives of innocent civilians. Through our fundraising efforts, we aim to provide critical resources such as shelter, food, medical aid, and psychological support to those in need. Our charity strives to raise awareness of the crisis in Crimea, Ukraine, and promote advocacy for the rights of those affected by the conflict. Ultimately, our goal is to provide hope and a sense of security to those who have been terrorized by the Russian attacks, and work towards the restoration of peace, stability, and sovereignty to the region as it will always be a part of free and independent Ukraine.
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